Integrations - Browserstack


Browserstack App Automate is a popular cloud device farm.

This integration is currently Android-only.

Change runner

Modify the app-level build.gradle:

android {
  // ...
  defaultConfig {
    testInstrumentationRunner "pl.leancode.patrol.BrowserstackPatrolJUnitRunner"
  // ...

// ...

That's all!

Upload to Browserstack

To run Android UI tests on BrowserStack:

  1. Build the app under test and the instrumentation app (see docs)
  2. Upload the app under test APK to Browserstack (see docs)
  3. Upload the instrumentation app APK to Browserstack (see docs)
  4. Start test execution on Browserstack (see docs)

You can do it all manually, but we recommend using the bs_android script to speed up this process. bs_android is part of LeanCode's mobile-tools. If you're using Homebrew, you can install it with:

brew tap leancodepl/tools
brew install mobile-tools

The bs_android script requires the BS_CREDENTIALS environment variable to be set so it can authenticate with Browserstack:


Get your username and access on Browserstack's account page.

Now reload your shell (e.g. exec zsh) and run bs_android:

$ export BS_PROJECT=AwesomeApp # optional
$ export BS_ANDROID_DEVICES="[\"Google Pixel 4-10.0\"]" # optional
$ bs_android
• Building apk with entrypoint test_bundle.dart...
✓ Completed building apk with entrypoint test_bundle.dart (11.0s)
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 87.4M  100   235  100 87.4M      7  2857k  0:00:33  0:00:31  0:00:02 2052k
Uploaded app, url: bs://fb61a714e1a0c60e2578d940dad52b74da244d54
Uploaded test, url: bs://a715b1231d41ac627bd683f1b16c28476babd72e
Scheduled test execution

bs_android forwards all its options and flags to patrol build:

bs_android \
  --target integration_test/example_test.dart,integration_test/another_test.dart \
  --release \